Hi Folks;
this went into my drafts & I forgot to finish typing & sending it off into cyberspace
here's some stuff that's happening in Hartford down by the RiverFront
the website link gives a listing of the events for the rest of the summer at that location
so keep that in mind if you're thinking about something to do that's free
The personal events described below actually happened on Thursday almost 2 weeks ago
on June 7th - crazy thing is that the following Sunday on June 10th Mary added to the craziness
ok why would Mary tell byron NOT to have Firestone fix the starter?
why would Mary not tell byron Sunday afternoon that I called from Firestone saying
"the car was back in the shop & why did he tell them not to fix the starter?"
Last night was absolutely horrible Byron's acting the serious fool
although I'm not sure how much was him
or how much was Mary being a witch not picking up the phone because she doesn't want Jim & byron to help
Mary knew I was having car trouble because I had called earlier & told her
she knew that I was stuck & that for Lovette to call she should've picked up
although Lovette's call was a hang up since Lovette didn't leave a message
Mary didn't pick up when the call went through the tow truck driver's cell phone either
so although I'm mad at Lovette for not leaving a detailed message
back earlier in the night when I had called her since my prepaid units were almost up
it's still Mary's fault for not picking up the phone when I called from the tow truck drivers cell
or at least calling the driver's cell back after she listened to that message
thankfully the tow truck driver was a sweetheart
& let me ride with him until he got a police pickup in Hartford & was able to drop me off
so I rode with him for at least 2 hours
I didn't get home til about midnight
he had a police tow that wasn't too far from my side of town & was on the way to the garage
so he was able to drop me off on his way to drop off the car
Friday afternoon my daughter brought me to Firestone to drop off the keys
& then we went over to see Byron at Jim's house
only when we got there Byron wasn't there he had a rental & was hanging out
Byron claims that he had stopped by here but at 1:30p we were at Jim's house
I explained what had happened to me the night before &
Jim clearly showed on his face that Mary never told him of the call
nor did he realize just how dangerous of a place I was in nor that the car had gotten towed
Fast forward to Sunday when Byron picked me up to pick up the wagon
the fact the starter wasn't fixed wasn't told to me & the guy spoke to Byron about some belt
the fact that they had put lube on it but it would be needing to get replaced ASAP
Byron filled up the wagon with gas & he & I went our separate ways
me to the mall & him back to Jim's house
G-son played at the playground in the mall & just b4 noon we left
the car started to get us to the dollar dreams store & then to go to the dollar tree store but
when we came out from the dollar tree store it wouldn't start
so I took the last 50 cents & called daughter to tell her we're stuck
thankfully she had the day off & was on her way there anyway
she gave me a ride over to Firestone where I fussed that the car wouldn't start &
that's when the guy explained that he had been told not to fix it just do the other repairs
unfortunately he didn't have a tow truck
so I called & left a detailed message about the car & asked why did Byron say not to fix the starter?
so daughter brought me back to the car & I called Geico for the tow
oh boy folks Geico has alot to be desired in how it handles it's towing for the ERS
again it took 4 hours even though I was told a truck would be there in 1 hour or less
daughter left her cell with me after the hour since it was so hot waiting
I sent her & g-son to her new place since the tow company said "o we got a police tow so we'll be there in 20 mins"
I had called them back plus called Geico to ask what's going on that it's taking so long?!
since the 2nd call to the tow company over an hour later had resulted in the same response
well needless to say it wasn't until almost 5p that the truck got to me
it was a tow company that is based on the opposite side of the river which made no sense to me
why would Geico call a company across the river to get me when there were several companies in the town on that side of the river?
when the guy got me over to Firestone they were closing up
I called daughter to let her know pick me up when the tow guy got there
but it took her longer than she expected to get to me
so I had to wait while they closed up shop around me but thankfully Firestone had air conditioning
they didn't seem to mind too much that I was waiting
but even the Firestone guy was shocked that since I was there shortly after 1230p that it had taken so long to get the car towed in
he actually thought that I had changed my mind about bringing the car in
Monday was nerve racking for me
but in the long run it also ended up being an upsetting one for Jim as well as Byron
Mary wouldn't answer the phone for Firestone or me all day
she hadn't bothered to tell Byron about events either
so when the landlord's drunken son called me fussing about the rent check I gave Tommy the number to Jim's house
Mary picked up the phone for Tommy because she didn't know the name Alice Howe
got a surprise hearing from Tommy with his drunken tirade about the rent being late again
about an hour later I spoke to Jim who was pissed off by this time
Byron was upstairs sleeping after his PT evaluation
so Byron wasn't aware that the car was back in the shop like Jim was at this point
Jim was mad because I guess Tommy either ended up talking to him or Mary was so upset with what Tommy was saying she complained
at any rate Jim was expecting Byron to pay rent there & hasn't yet
Plus to hear from Tommy's own mouth that Byron's late alot here pissed him off
I explained what was going on with the car at Firestone & that I'm only calling to find out what Byron's doing
Jim started to repeat one of Mary's famous lines "Byron's spreading himself too thin"
so I pointed out that Byron made $47k last yr & doesn't have anything to show for it so where's he spending the money?
Jim started to go into insurance & taxes etc & Byron's not working OT like he's done in the past
so I pointed out that when we had 3 more mouths to feed & car payments that we didn't have this kind of trouble money wise
I did apologize to Jim for calling & basically telling him our business the past couple of days
but as he knows I try to keep them out of it & only call looking for Byron when Byron's not at work
Jim said that he understands & acknowledged that I'm just trying to get answers
Jim admits that he's upset since Byron hadn't paid rent to him nor the landlord here
& that if Byron was going to be late with the rent he should've told them here
I also pointed out to Jim that the last paycheck Byron didn't pay any rent here
he obviously didn't pay Jim rent either so exactly what did Byron do with the paycheck?
this was to counter the lie which Mary likes to claim that I'm the one who's driving Byron to the poor house
I'm the one who's got to deal with the bill collectors when they call
while Byron gets to run around over there & have fun with no accountability
well I suspect that although Jim was angry in tone
Jim's actually more angry with Mary who enables Byron's bad behavior
& mostly angry with Byron for not tending to his responsibilities
Jim said that he wasn't sure if Byron would call when he got up but that Jim would pass on to him the messages
Byron picked me up Tuesday morning before he went to work
Byron didn't tell me that he was going to turn in the rental car only putting stuff into it from the rental from the Pontiac
I thought he was coming over after work since he did that
but byron didn't show up Tuesday night & it was Wednesday afternoon when he told me he turned in the rental
not one dime in cash did he give me for groceries thankfully I'm on a fast so I don't need much right now
o when will Byron learn to just take my advice?
he wastes so much money not listening to what I propose for a budget & bill payment plans
he screws himself even - I had arranged for a month of rental from avis had he just gone with me Thursday morning
o well you know how the old saying goes
you can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink
Byron's being one hardheaded horse right about now
I'm exhausted both emotionally as well as physically from this ordeal
payday is coming & I'm guessing by Byron's avoidance of contact
that this is going to be a mess also but not as much of one as the past 2 paychecks
Well let me get this sent off into cyberspace before it sits for another week
but at least friends, family & the world are now updated on the soap opera of my life

| Riverfront Launches A New & Improved Website! Riverfront Recapture launched a new website this week in an effort to give you clearer, more concise information about Riverfront's free events and activities. The new site was designed with potential Riverfront visitors in mind, allowing you to search for things to do by reading about upcoming events on the homepage, and by searching the season of activity by month, or by type of activity that interests them.
Detailed information about Riverfront activities and all four Riverfront parks is accessible from the new homepage. > Check Out the New Site | |
| MARY WILSON of the Supremes performs FREE this Saturday! This Saturday's Season Kick-off concert will feature a FREE performance by MARY WILSON of the Supremes in Downtown Hartford, and a preview of the 2007 Riverfront Season. Come early to see samples of Riverfront’s different events and festivals, as well as various information about the programs we have to offer. > More Bring the Kids to Riverside Park this Saturday! Our Sporting Chance for Youth Day is an opportunity for area youth to experience the sporting activities available to them all summer. Prizes and awards in a variety of areas. Performance by the Harlem Rockets. The best part? It's FREE! Sponsored by Aetna, Inc. and Comcast >More | |
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