This email message is no joke – and it's not spam. I am really the entertainer Pat Boone and I am really sending you this message because I am truly alarmed about indecent material kids across America are seeing on their TV screens.
Forgive me for contacting you this way, but I am leading an urgent grassroots campaign to wake up American parents and grandparents about the growing level of filth now on TV.
You probably don't watch TV shows like "Nip/Tuck," "Desire," "Desperate Housewives," "Dirt," "Family Guy," "Two and a Half Men" and way-too-many more that are just loaded with explicit sexual raunchiness ...
...but millions of CHILDREN do watch them...and THAT'S the problem.
Frankly, I'm tired of TALKING about this problem and am determined to DO something about it.
Will you help me? Will you take just a few moments to complete my 2007 TV DECENCY SURVEY?
I'm leading a massive national campaign sponsored by the Parents Television Council to make sure the TV industry -- and especially TV SPONSORS -- hear what millions of Americans think about the current deplorable state of TV programming.
PLEASE –- go to the Survey by clicking on any link in this email message as soon as you finish reading it. Not only can you register your opinions in this huge national grass roots survey –- you can also see how other concerned parents and citizens are voting.
I also ask you to FORWARD this message to all your friends and family members in your email address book who you think are also concerned about the smut now on our TV screens.
The more Survey responses we get –- the stronger our voice in this urgent struggle.
Don't make the mistake of thinking your opinion is not important. It is!
Your responses to the Decency Survey will be tabulated with tens of thousands of others' and the updated totals will be presented on a regular basis to the TOP 100 SPONSORS of television programming.
These sponsor companies spend BILLIONS OF DOLLARS every year on television advertising.
Because without sponsors, the grossly offensive programs America's kids are watching now would never have gotten on the air!
Since 1995, the Parents Television Council has been leading the national effort to restore responsibility and decency to the entertainment industry. Already more than one million members strong, the PTC needs more parents, grandparents and concerned Americans like you to "enlist" in an unstoppable grassroots army of outraged Americans!
We are working by year's end to have at least 5 million completed Decency Surveys we can present to America's Top 100 TV advertisers. SO PLEASE RESPOND NOW.
Your support means a lot to me personally -- and will mean so much to America's kids.
Thank you and God bless.
Pat Boone
P.S. Please email your thoughts and suggestions to me at PatBoone@parentstv.org. AND PLEASE, PLEASE FORWARD THIS URGENT MESSAGE TO EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOUR FRIENDS, ASSOCIATES, MEMBERS OF YOUR CHURCH, FAMILY MEMBERS, ETC. you feel will be with us in this great cause. Why not go through your email contact list right now and forward this message to as many of your friends as you can?
And to complete the 2007 TV Decency Survey click here : Go directly to Survey! PARENTS TELEVISION COUNCIL-MEMBERSHIP SERVICE CENTER-ATTN: PAT BOONE P.O. BOX 1855 MERRIFIELD, VA 22116 |
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