DjembeQueen's Blogger Blog

The Life & Times of DjembeQueen as I start another Blogging expedition This blog is more of the web as I come across websites & online articles which I like & want others to know about with some comments of my own

Thursday, February 23, 2006

Are You Sure You're Going to Heaven?

This webpage is so that you can examine yourself just as it's directed for you to do in the bible

2nd Cor 13:5a
"Examine yuorselves as to whether you are in the faith. Test Yourselves"

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Truth Works - yes it really does

Reading this webpage does really make one think...

Where am I in life?

eSword extra modules

this website offers a free bible program for your puter so that you can have several versions to compare side by side & even has maps & pictures to use

i think program would be great for someone who's interested in doing am indepth study of the bible but also for the regular person who just has a few questions about the whys & hows & wondering just what the wording is & what the original words meant

Christian Links

Wow i just found this wonderful page of links

God will provide - i was just thinking how nice it would be if there was a list of christain websites as i was having trouble getting to a website due to not having the correct name & doing a search for what i was looking for pop this was high on the search list

Christian Links

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Sankofa-Kuumba Performing Group

This African Dance & Drum Performing Group
is available for performances & teaching workshops

They are very well known in the CT area & have in the past taught my children to do the traditional african dance & drumming

Sankofa-Kuumba Performing Group

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Chocolate 101 Workshop

O yummy Chocolate Recepes
Just in time for Valentines days
a whole webpage listing wonderful things to do with chocolate

Chocolate 101 Workshop

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Marriage Healing International; a marriage counseling ministry

Got this link from a friend

This site seems to have some good news for standers

Hope that those of you who are out there find this to be inspirational

Marriage Healing International; a marriage counseling ministry

if you'd like to join us in reading & sharing the power of a praying wife book & study guide by stormie omartian feel free to join our yahoo group

Power of a Praying Wife - Restorations