DjembeQueen's Blogger Blog

The Life & Times of DjembeQueen as I start another Blogging expedition This blog is more of the web as I come across websites & online articles which I like & want others to know about with some comments of my own

Friday, March 31, 2006

Testing Email Updating

Hear Ye! God Bless America WTC Eagle Navy Easter Church

This is a test of the email updates to my 2 main blogs MSN Spaces which is my primary personal blog & Blogger which is my internet discoveries blog

So far I’ve not found the link if there is one to be able to update my yahoo 360 blog or the myspace blog via email –

once I find out how to do those I’ll be able to keep those updated a bit easier Light Bulb Kite Flying

Star Of JacobJesus FishMangerThank The LordDove 2Girl AngelGold CrossBible 1AngelAngel 3

Express yourself with over 8,000 FREE Email Smileys - click here!

AFA - American Family Association - Promoting Traditional Family Values

the American Family Association is doing a poll on illegal immigration
pretty interesting results

personally i'm all for immigration but against illegal immigration
why should mexicans be given easier access but the hatians who risk their lives as well not be given the same opportunities simply due to their being on an island rather than being able to just walk across the border?
the immigration policies are very racist when you consider it that aspect
& the illegals do drive down the value of the working people who are citizens
but also to be taken into consideration is the us compaines who are exporting our jobs to low paid workers in india & toehr countries in that region
comcast cable is exporting it's customer service call centers to low paid workers in other countries & laying off the local workers who live in the usa

americans need to pay more attention to just what is happening in their everyday lives & speak up to all of the politicians both local, state & federal to stop allowing our nation to be sold off the highest foriegn bidders

AFA - American Family Association - Promoting Traditional Family Values

Thursday, March 23, 2006

The Man Song

Ok this is a little bit of fun man bashing sent in an email to me by a friend who's also having trouble with her husband

OK a little bit of fun man bashing

Thursday, March 16, 2006 Jay Sekulow Live! (Jay Sekulow) - Today's Broadcast Jay Sekulow Live! (Jay Sekulow) - Today's Broadcast

Listen LIVE! at 12 noon EST Monday - Friday as Jay Sekulow speaks about the protection of religious freedoms in America.

To ask a question on the program, call 1-800-684-3110 from 12-12:30 EST/EDT.

American Center for Law and Justice - Petition

this link will take you to the American Center for Law & Justice's online printable petition for you to sign to help support the ban on partial birth abortions

Committee to Protect the Ban on
Partial-Birth Abortion

We, as members of the American Center for Law and Justice, are grateful the Supreme Court of the United States has agreed to hear the case regarding the ban on partial-birth abortion. We stand with the ACLJ, members of Congress, and the office of the Solicitor General in asking the Supreme Court to reverse the rulings of the lower courts and uphold the constitutionality of the national ban on partial-birth abortion.

We fully support the ban on partial-birth abortion. This barbaric practice, which brutally takes the life of a partially-born baby, is an abomination that should be outlawed in our country once and for all.

Name: ______________________________________________

Email: __________________________________ Phone: ______________________

Address: ____________________________________________________

City: _______________________________ State: ____________ Zip: __________

Signature: __________________________________________

Mail to:

American Center for Law and Justice
P.O. Box 90555
Washington, D.C. 20090-0555

American Center for Law and Justice - Petition