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Saturday, October 02, 2010
Someone I love has cancer :'(
I hope that you'll take a minute
Say a prayer &
Pass this candle on too
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-------- Original Message --------
Subject: | Fw: SMALL REQUEST |
Date: | Thu, 30 Sep 2010 16:28:59 -0400 |
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Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Soon it will be Sept 11!
I Do Remember where I was on Sept 11th - Do You?
Have you forgotten Sept 11th?
It does seem that way too many have forgotten that terrible day when Main Land USA was attacked by radicals in multiple cities
Pray for the families who have lost Loved Ones
-------- Original Message --------
Saturday, July 31, 2010
Fwd: Fwd: News from Hal Lindsey Media Ministries
I keep watching Hal Lindsey & Perry Stone via iTunes when I'm unable to catch them on TV
They seem to be able break it down about how the news relates to the bible prophecies
There are others out there also teaching us the prophecies & how they relate
Don't you think it's important to give some thought as to what our future holds?
I do wish more people paid attention to what is going on
The election ads are outrageous both for the State seats as well as the Congressional seats
Quite discouraging with all of the negative ads & no one is bothering to put forth exactly how they propose to fix the troubles of the state
Well the news & troubles of our land as well as the world clearly show for those who are wise enough to look closely
Are clearly showing that nothing which man does is going to work to solve these problems
Only God has the answers & HE Will Allow only for a short while for things to continue as they are
Since His Word states what HE plans to do very shortly don't you think that you should Read It?
-------- Original Message --------

July 30th, 2010 This week on 'The Hal Lindsey Report' On this week's edition of "The Hal Lindsey Report": Under the leadership of President Obama, Israeli-US relations have taken quite a beating. His 'popularity' ratings in Israel are in the single digits. The Israeli public simply does not trust him and they feel like America has thrown Israel under the bus. Apparently, that didn't bother the Administration and it was "full speed ahead" in the drive to cozy up to the Arab-Muslim world. It seemed that no cost was too great -- even abandoning Israel -- if it accomplished the President's goal of American-Muslim affinity. But now we know that there really was a point at which the cost became too great. The Democrat National Committee recently realized that it was many millions of dollars down in its fundraising for the upcoming mid-term elections. And it was glaringly apparent that the constituency from which the giving had dried up was the American Jewish community. So, as I reported a couple of weeks ago, the White House went into damage control mode and started a charm offensive toward Israel and the Jewish community. White House operatives fanned out and began to sweet talk the Jewish organizations here in the States. President Obama invited Prime Minister Netanyahu back to the White House and, evidently, promised that he'd be a better host this time than he was last March. He might even allow himself to be seen in public with the Prime Minister and certainly wouldn't stomp out of any meetings and leave the PM sitting, staring at the walls. So Netanyahu returned and everyone made nice before the cameras. Obama even walked Netanyahu out to his car and added some extra pumps to his farewell handshake! This past week, an Assistant Secretary of State appeared before a Jewish audience and confirmed that, indeed, "Israel is a vital ally and cornerstone of our regional security commitments." Now, that sounds pretty good at first, but I think it woefully understates the case. Israel is not just a "vital ally" in that region. Israel is our ONLY ally in the Middle East. What's more, unlike our other friends in the area who are simply 'allies of convenience,' Israel and the United States are natural allies because we share common values, freedoms, ideals, goals, ideologies, and respect for human rights and the law. We even share a common Bible. Many Israeli citizens were born and reared in the US. The Mosaic Law is the foundation of our own law. And our rule of law is a big part of what makes America so successful. To say Israel is anything less than our greatest ally -- especially in the Middle East -- is to be less than clear-eyed or honest. Yet, despite all this, the Bible says that eventually Israel will stand completely alone and friendless against the entire world. Where's America? I believe these are dangerous days for the United States. Paul predicts that, in the last days, "perilous times" will come. He also describes what I believe will be the condition of the world's most Christian nation in those days. Here is his portrait: " will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, unloving (one translation says 'without natural affection'), unforgiving, slanderers, without self-control, brutal, despisers of good, traitors, headstrong, haughty, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having a form of godliness but denying its power...." If I didn't know better, I would say Paul had just spent the evening watching network television (and flipping over occasionally to MSNBC). Could you paint a better picture of America at this very moment? Jesus even described the Western church in these days. He said, "Because you say, 'I am rich, have become wealthy, and have need of nothing' -- and do not know that you are wretched, miserable, poor, blind, and naked...." He also declared that since we were so self-absorbed and influenced by the world's decadence that we would be neither cold nor hot, but lukewarm. And that made Jesus nauseous. So, now I can see why Israel will be completely alone in the future. America won't matter anymore. However, though God's People will face terrible times in the future, they will not be completely abandoned. Jesus Himself will return to fight for them. And for those of us who have accepted the pardon He died to purchase? The news is even better. We won't be here for those terrible times. You see, we will be where Jesus is because He will snatch us away before those troubles begin. As we say in Texas, if that ain't Good News, I don't know what is! Don't miss this week's Report on TBN, Daystar, Inspiration, CPM Network, various local stations, or Check your local listings.
God Bless, Hal Lindsey mail: HLMM, P.O. Box 470470, Tulsa, OK 74147 email: |
Sunday, May 09, 2010 = Twitter @ComcastBill - pics of Cable Boxes as per 5/7/10 tweets
I'm a bit disappointed with the fact that I called & told the Customer Service people that I'm in need of a working box
The General Instruments Cable Box which was in the house did not upgrade to the iTV feature of the Triple Play like the cable box did downstairs which is a Motorola
The 1st day May 4th 2010 the General Instruments box was swapped over to the RNG110 which was quite UnAcceptable
but it was the only box on 2 Tech's trucks
So I called back to Customer Service & explained the problem & another appointment was scheduled for May 7th 2010 & I was disappointed because for the 2nd appointment there was no Motorola box on his truck even though I had asked the Customer Service girl to make certain that there was a proper Triple Play box on the truck
The Tech was great & the Tech tried to find a box that would be ok for dvd/vcr/game hook up since he didn't have a Motorola on his truck but all he could find on another truck was a General Instruments box that didn't work at all even for just a picture on the TV
So while the Tech was here in the house "Closing the Ticket"
I Twittered @ComcastCares
@ComcastBill answered my Tweet & Offered to mail out a proper box if needed
& I also Called 1-800-COMCAST to schedule another Tech to come out
Again I asked for the Proper Motorola cable box & NOT the RNG110 or General Instruments since they Don't Work
The girl said that she put it into the notes for a Motorola Box to be brought out to the house
I asked @ComcastBill for the email addy so I could send pictures of the boxes & problem in general
Because as the old saying goes a picture is worth a thousand words &
It does seem that when going through Twitter the locals pay attention because the Twitter Team is located in PA where the main headquarters is located & they contact Management to help get things Resolved
Below is the email which I sent out to
I do suggest that when making a trouble call
you take the following steps after making your call to Customer Service at 1-800-COMCAST
1) if you have the ability to Twitter for you to do so to get the attention of the @ComcastCares crew who will pass it up to the Management team of your Local Office &
2) follow it up with an email including pictures if you have that ability
3) Do Answer the Phone Survey if they have the Automated Caller dial you & leave a message about your service call when you're finished with the 4 questions
If all else fails &/or you have really bad Customer Service All of the Time Whenever you call for Service
or are Threatened with Charges for Them coming out to Service Their Own Equipment & Lines...
You Don't have to be Bullied or Accept Poor Customer Service from Any Utility Company
Remember that you always have available to you the really big guns
which determine if they get to keep their License to Operate in your Town...
4) follow up with the Local Dept of Public Utility Control which should be listed on the bill
^*^*^ Email Sent Out 5/8/2010 regarding Tweets 5/7/2010 to @ComcastBill ^*^*^
Subject: = Twitter @ComcastBill - Pics of Cable Boxes as per 5/7/Tweets
That's because the UnAcceptable Box doesn't have the proper Out Connections to plug into the back of this Cable Ready TV so there's now a connection cable that just hangs there in the back of the tv
This UnAcceptable RNG110 Cable Box Is Not "Ready"for a Cable Ready TV!
We customers mostly have Cable Ready TVs
even if we haven't all been able to afford the costs of the new HD digital tvs
so the cable boxes Comcast stocks need to be back to the Default to what the majority of Customers Have Now
not what the electronic companies want us to buy
because many of us can't afford to buy new tvs right now in this economy
So far 2 times Techs have been to the house & they've not been given the proper cable box to bring to the house
even though the 2nd time I called to make an appointment
I gave very specific instructions that what was needed was the Motorola Cable Box
which does both allow for the DVD/VCR/gaming system to be hooked into the tv as well as the Triple Play Caller ID on TV
The techs were great but their hands were tied because they weren't given the Proper Equipment
(wasn't thrilled with the contractor they sent out on another issue since he didn't know anything but he seemed like a nice guy who just needed to be taught what to do but that's a whole other issue, just like everyone HATES the Call Centers OverSeas)
I did call into 1-800-COMCAST to get another Tech for a total so far of 3 calls for this 1 problem with the Caller Id on TV issue due to the General Instruments box which was originally here & then the replacement being the UnAcceptable RNG110 box being installed & no Motorola boxes being out here on the truck
the CSR girl named Laura said that she has made note of the fact that there needs to be a Motorola Box on the truck for the tech to install & the earliest that they can get someone out here is Sunday morning from 8am to 11am -
PLEASE Make Certain that the Comcast Tech which comes out HAS the Proper Motorola Cable Box to install when they get here Sunday so a 4th Call doesn't have to made
The confirmation number for the new trouble call is CR-204-612-734 & the confirmation number for 5/7/2010 visit we discussed on Twitter (very disappointing visit due to the lack of stock by Comcast's warehouse poor planning) is CR-204-425-621 also an 8am - 11am appointment
My husband has confirmed that we do not have HD Cable Boxes
We have just 2 Regular Digital DVR boxes & 2 Regular Digital all channel boxes for both
Thanks for responding to my inquiries via Twitter - it does seem to be sometimes easier to get things moving because problems get brought up to the attention to the managers who aren't aware of what the CUSTOMERS wants or needs are & can make the changes which are needed to better help the customers instead of just the profit margin
When will you be starting up a team to work via Google Buzz? Other businesses are getting on Google Buzz as well being on Twitter especially since it has much more to offer in the way of communications with people with the Buzz making a stream that stays connected & offers more than 140 characters to type & explain problems & solutions & a way give a heads up to customers about upcoming changes or outages that are occurring as they happen in various areas & in that way some of the phone line congestion can be headed off & another way for customers to report trouble spots
Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter & please do follow up so I can update my blog readers as to how this has been resolved
Your Comcast Customer @AvonCT1 on Twitter
Tweets R Nice but Discussion is better join me on #Google Buzz
Follow me =
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Sunday, March 14, 2010
[Fwd: This Could Be Your Last Chance to Be Heard on Health Care!]
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: | This Could Be Your Last Chance to Be Heard on Health Care! |
Date: | Sat, 13 Mar 2010 22:37:34 EST |
From: | Tony Perkins <> |
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This Could Be Your Last Chance to Be Heard on Health Care! Dear Djembe, As you may already know, the House of Representatives is the last line of defense to stop a government takeover of healthcare. That chamber of Congress is getting set to vote on the monstrosity that was voted out of the Senate that includes taxpayer-funded bribes to different Senators and allows for the largest expansion of government funding of abortions we have ever seen. We have already gathered nearly 175,000 signatures of Americans opposed to the government funding of abortion in the health care takeover, but we need your help before the fight is over for good! We will deliver the petitions to pro-life Democrats and the Republican Leadership to remind them to stand firm for the principles we all believe in. The only pro-life vote is NO to the current health care legislation soon to be up in the House of Representatives. Thank you for taking action today and God bless you. Sincerely, | ![]() |