Make your voice heard in Congress, which is scheduled to vote on the Marriage Protection Amendment next week. Plus, a temporary reprieve for a beloved California landmark - keep reading to learn more! House Vote Looms on Marriage Protection Amendment The U.S. House of Representatives is expected to vote on its version of the Marriage Protection Amendment next week. Now's the time for values voters to make their voices heard on this crucial issue! To send an e-mail to your Member of Congress, asking him or her to vote for the amendment, click here. Full Story . . . Fighting for Values on Capitol Hill The Marriage Protection Amendment is just one of the important bills the House will consider before the Nov. 7 elections. CMC is grateful for the commitment House leaders have shown to schedule votes on moral issues this summer and fall. Full Story . . . Judges Suddenly Making Sense on Marriage Three times within the past week, state courts have issued rulings favorable to efforts to define marriage the way God does - as the union of one man and one woman. It's about time! Full Story . . . Reprieve for a California Landmark The Mount Soledad Cross won't be coming down anytime soon, thanks to the U.S. Supreme Court's agreement last week to intervene in a case against the atheist Vietnam veteran who has fought for years to have it torn down. Full Story . . . Teenage Corporal Sparks Fighting in Gaza An Israeli teenager is the focus of military operations between the government's army and Palestinian militants in the Gaza Strip. Full Story . . . Senate to Tackle Embryonic Stem-Cell Research, Again Nearly a year after Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist endorsed the expansion of federal funding for human embryonic stem-cell research, the Senate is taking up the issue again. CMC encourages the Senate to reject the Stem Cell Research Enhancement Act of 2005, which would funnel tax dollars to a form of research that is incompatible with a respect for human life. To send an e-mail to your U.S. Senators, urging them not to provide more federal funds for this morally impermissible practice and encouraging them to vote for ethical alternatives, click here. Full Story . . . Teachers' Union Gives Thumbs Up to Same-Sex Marriage Representatives of the nation's largest teachers' union last week gave its stamp of approval to same-sex marriages and other civil unions. You couldn't write a better advertisement for Christian schools, charter schools and home schooling than the National Education Association's action in Orlando. Full Story . . . "Silent No More" Paints a True Picture of Righteous Action Increasingly, media reports have attempted to divide Bible-believing Christians into two camps: one that emphasizes issues of life and family, and another that seeks to eradicate poverty and racism. The media doesn't seem open to the truth: that true Christianity is typified by obedience to God's word where both kinds of issues are involved. Pastor Rod Parsley's latest book, "Silent No More," cuts through the clutter of conflicting extremes and provides insight into biblical truth on issues including abortion, poverty, homosexuality, racism, Islam and education. It presents a complete picture of how Christians should respond to moral issues, which makes it must reading for any believer committed to social action. To order a copy of "Silent No More" and its study guide, click here. www.centerformoralclarity.net The Center For Moral Clarity | |
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